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With Coronavirus Covid-19 causing gyms to shut down across the country its a great time for gyms, fitness instructors and personal trainers to embrace technology and deliver their classes to clients online using video streaming and their website. In this article we’re going to cover the whys and hows of creating a virtual classroom right now.
Firstly the whys…
Your clients need it more than ever.
Regular exercise supports optimal functioning of the immune system, not to mention its stress management capabilities, and considering the duress many of us are under its more important than ever. In a nutshell your clients need you right now and the only way to reach them is online.
You need to stay connected and maintain the relationship with your clients
We’re all in this together and your clients will want to support their favourite local businesses, so if you’re still able to maintain some form of service then you give them the opportunity to support your business. Furthermore if that relationship is maintained throughout these challenging times you’re in a strong position to hit the ground running when things get back to normal. You might be able to use this opporunity to pick up some new clients.
And how do you go about creating a virtual classroom? Read on…
A smartphone is all you need to get started however we suggest you invest in some kind of tripod or stand to keep it steady. A headset such as apple airpods will let you be hands-free during the meeting and will help eliminate distracting background noise. From there a laptop or pc with a good quality webcam will give you better audio and video.
Zoom is ideal software for your video streaming needs, with the free version of Zoom allowing instructors to conduct an unlimited number of classes with participants capped at 40. If you need more than this the pro version allows 100 participants for just $20.99 per month. Zoom functionality can be embedded easily into your website as well and delivering it through a great website is the best way for a seamless transition for your clients
Those of you used to getting paid in person will need an online solution for payment. Using a simple payment gateway solution like paypal or stripe will get the job done but a website with a shopping cart that allows for recurring subscriptions will make the job much easier.
Finally, If prospect of putting yourself in front of the camera fills you with dread, just remind yourself that your clients need you and your performing an invaluable service.
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